
Showing posts from October, 2023

Hello World! Response

I really enjoyed this documentary because it really helped me understand the capabilities and connection that java script has with everyday lives. I think its really cool how most processes are almost automatic, examples of this are large groups of people walking on opposite sides as to not run into each other, and waves crashing to the shore. Its really interesting to me that numbers are just symbols for something, because in my mind, symbols and  numbers live in completely different worlds, when they really should not. I like the idea of creating something with boundaries that might cause something unexpected. I like this idea because if I were to try to recreate something with the same boundaries, there would probably only be so many outcomes, but with the code doing it there are a lot more outcomes that are possible. Overall, I think this video will help me a whole lot while working on the next project.

p5.js day 2!

function setup() {   createCanvas(1280, 720); } function draw() {   background(167,127,245,96);   noStroke();   fill(217,162,245);   circle(640,360,500);   triangle(420,360,770,260,420,90);   triangle(860,360,510,260,860,90);   fill(128,127,245,255);   circle(520,340,50);   circle(750,340,50);   triangle(590,380,680,380,635,440);   fill(243,211,239,255);   ellipse(1050,350,150,400);   triangle(1053,500,975,600,1140,600);   ellipse(230,350,150,400);   triangle(233,500,155,600,320,600); }

P5 test


Assignment 2 critique

 After sharing my website for assignment 2, I received suggestions similar to the following; (1) making my images full screen, (2) using a style for the artwork I inserted that I have done in the past.  My reasoning for no making my website full screen is that I wanted my website to work for very low resolution and very high resolution computers, but I do think that I should have made the div a least a little bigger. I also wanted to include the color in the background as it complimented the color pallet I was using well.  While I agree that it would have look nice and cohesive to incorporate a style I have done before, I did not have the time to do so, as it probably would have take me at least 2 hours per drawn addition, and I already spent countless hours on the website as is. 

"The Gardening of Forking Paths" response

 This story relates to our interactive project because it contains many types of options and choices. The main choice the narrator chose was choosing to follow the directions the children gave him to get to the house he was looking for. He could have strayed from the path by making right turns instead of only left ones, but he did not. He also could have ignored the road altogether and followed the sound of the music, which would have brought him to the same destination.  When talking about the garden of forking paths, his friend brings up the possibility of different outcomes, going on to list a few.  This all relates to our project because we are giving the viewer a chance to choose their outcome by making a series of different decisions. 

psychogeography response

 These ideas might apply to contemporary art when those artists are creating spaces that lead the eye into many different directions which the viewer has to chose which path to take. An example of this given within the article is Giovanni Piranesi's "labyrinthine stairways". Within this piece, their are many different pathways the eye could follow. In my opinion, the majority of these stairways seem to be unreachable, like there is no way to get to them.