interactive installation

 The interactive installation that I choose to focus on is Meow Wolf's "House of Eternal Return". I choose this installation because I have heard of them before and I have seen people talking about their installations. I chose this specific installation of theirs because I really love the look of it, and I really love the theme they chose, which is almost a fairy-like, woodsy scene. They fill a building with structures that resemble whimsical trees, they hang greenery from the ceilings, and they have little houses in the trees that people can be in. In addition to this room, they have addition rooms with themes like glow in the dark trees, a carnival room, candy room, a living room, etc. The goal of these installations is for the guests the become fully immersed in each room and have different experiences from each room. This specific installation is located in Santa Fe, New Mexico and opened in March of 2016. The outside of the building is very unassuming. If someone were not familiar with Meow Wolf, they might think the building was some sort of retail company if driving past. I think this is a really smart design choice because the possibilities are endless, someone could want to see what was inside so they just stop in.  

Overall, I think all of their installations are really well thought out and put together. I do not have any ideas on how to make them better. I am sure if I were to go through the installation myself, I would be able to find something that could use improvement, but just looking at photos, I do not see anything that jumps out to me. I would love to be able to experience one of their installations in person, and I really hope I get to one day. 


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